The Barnum Effect
Hey {{contact.first_name}},
I've got a serious beef with the personal development industry.
You might be like me on this one. I Are you a self-help junkie?
I've always been that way.
I remember going to the Landmark Forum (long suspected to be not TECHNICALLY a cult, but culty) in my 20's and feeling like I had unlocked the secrets to the universe.
But there's a catch.
There might be a diminishing point of returns.
I was listening to Jamie Kern Lima's podcast this week featuring Mel Robbins.
Generally speaking, I really love and respect Mel Robbins and her work....in doses.
But I noticed that I felt like absolute SH*T listening to this podcast.
Well, I've got a theory that the more we focus on HEALING, the more we believe we are broken or something is inherently wrong with us.
I came across something called The Barnum Effect.
The Barnum Effect describes our tendency to believe that vague and general descriptions about ourselves are highly accurate and personally relevant, even though the statements could apply to a wide range of individuals.

I guess the same can be true about horoscopes and tarot readings.
Our favorite gurus seem to be pathologizing everything these days.
In fact, I bet there are some problems you didn't even know you "had" until you were pseudo-diagnosed from a podcast.
But I believe you are one smart cookie. And you deserve a better approach.
I'm going OFF on what's really happening in today's episode of Late Learner Podcast.
Go and listen, ya hear? OR WATCH HERE if you're into that more. Oh, and I love you!
xo 💖 ,
PS. I was featured on the She Sells Radio Podcast with Elyse Archer and we had SUCH an interesting conversation about reinventing yourself after 40. Watch or listen here.