2024 Toolkit 1/4/24
“I want to like myself more than I want other people to like me." - Dr. Whitney Casares, Modern Mommy Doc
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎊 🎆 🎈 🎉 Are you tired of the new year talk yet? 😜
Rumor has it you've ditched resolutions this year and replaced the goals with a more kinder, gentler approach.
Brava. 👏👏👏
No more insane gargantuan goals to fit back into your 1990 prom dress, quit alcohol cold-turkey, get up and grind out weight-lifting session every morning at 4am, clear out all debt ever, buy the Barbie dream home, oh - and "spend more quality time with the kids." You know, all before summer.
I'll bet that you got the memo that discipline isn't really what's going to check that fulfillment box like we have been conditioned to believe.
It's a never-ending slog with no destination. And honestly, it's burned you out. its burned me out.
Ah, but peace. ☮️ True peace. ✌️ What does that look like for you?
For me, and I shared some brutal personal truths in the last episode of Late Learner, it's looking like a much more self-love focused journey above any external achievement or marker.
So I decided to put together a 2024 Toolkit for you AND for me.
You are so busy. I get it. The plates don't stop spinning - AND I know you find comfort in doing so much. I know I do.
But this year, it's really different. It's going a little slower.
The magic is found in the tiny shifts in the in-between moments. 🪄 ✨ 🌟
And we are going to do it together.
So here is my 2024 gift to you - all neatly compiled here:
Elevating your life every day:
Do something new every day in January - a free guide -reprograms neuropathways for new possibilities
Hire a GREAT coach to help you implement the changes - acceleration, accountability, accompaniment, outcomes - be sure to choose someone who cares about your goals as much as you do and fits your vibe 💯. Always, always trust your gut and most important, be open to getting support - you don't have to do everything on your own.
Feeling depleted during the day? Get the natural energy boosts that last (without caffeine or sketchy supplements).
Ridiculously calming and luxurious lotion candles - srsly, these are roll-back-in-your-eyes good and you can literally put your fingers in the warm wax and use it as a lotion. Juniper Berry and Cedar is my favorite scent.
Need to calm down in the middle of the day when you're working? Best invention ever!
Crystals, tarot, gifts - y'all know that I LOVE this. And whenever all the traditional methods fail, the metaphysical has been the biggest healer for me.
How to MENTALLY REST - total game-changer for the over-functioning
8 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life - Mel Robbins Podcast (SO SO GOOD!)
MUSIC - My own personal mood setter curated playlist and I just love this Chill playlist
Upgrade your STYLE to feel gorgeous no matter what you put on!
You can pound coffee. But tea? You need to savor - here's the best I've ever found
Thinking of finally launching that business idea or turning your reputation into revenue? Coach? Consultant? Write a book? Public speaker? I got you! Check this out.
Need a brand identity but too daunting/expensive to figure it out? Everything you need that COMPLETELY fits your image/ideal client in a click of a button here!
Website design - did you SEE my new website? Sheesh! You should have seen what it was. Now it's GORGEOUS!
Spot-on messaging for your brand - this was one of my greatest finds of 2023
Are you a coach? These guys are the REAL DEAL to turn your business into a profitable one and do it authentically
Helpful parenting tips - especially when you're in a bind!
Neurodivergent and parenting memes - hilarious! And hitting oh-so close to home
Mirrors in the Earth - Asia Suler - This book was completely life-changing for me. It's the PERFECT antidote for a busy life and a great practical guide for integrating nature
False Eyelashes and other Failed Attempts - Cindy Robinson - Fan favorite and frequent guest of Late Learner Podcast quietly released a memoir and it's absolutely brilliant, hilarious, and life-affirming.
Doing it All - Stop overfunctioning and become the mom and person you were meant to be - Dr. Whitney Casares (hey! Look at that! She's on this week's episode of Late Learner!)
The Perfectionists' Guide to Losing Control - Katherine Morgan Schafler
Y'all KNOW I love to move. This dance format (Reb3l Groove) was literally the catalyst to have the confidence to quit my corporate job, do 12 hour walks and other insane endurance challenges, and grow a business from scratch. You can try it at home for free (and there's a strength format, too)! And if you're near a studio offering it, GO.
Walk! Go walk outside. Need a walking meditation? Here!
12 hour walk - I did this twice. The intention is to do it alone, no destination, no music, no audiobooks, no phone. Just you and you. There's a global 12-hour walk happening this Saturday, 1/6. And it's free. It's honestly, a great way to quiet your mind and you'll notice you will find a peace within yourself during this day.
In full disclosure, some of these links are affiliate links, some are just finds I couldn't help but share - but ALL are tried and true and wouldn't be on this list if they couldn't make a massive positive impact for you.
Oh! And on the topic of fresh beginnings, the newest episode of Late Learner Podcast, we are talking about Generation X being a MAJOR factor for our burnout. WHOA!
EP203; Do Gen X women get the worst of both worlds? Dr. Whitney Casares of ModernMommyDoc
Okay, going to check off one more thing on my NEW New Year Challenge list. ✅
P.S. Thought of starting a podcast but never got overwhelmed with the details? I can help you remove all blocks and get your ideas and impact out into the world in 8 weeks. Join the podcast launch beta group at a massively discounted rate (only offering it one time). Interested? Just email me back the word PODCAST and I'll get you more info. We start on MONDAY!