Back to the drawing board

Once you feel like you've got a good handle on where you are headed, life has a funny way of reminding you - nope, not yet. Let's dig a little deeper and get this right.
You feel me?
My ADHD brain (not the omg I'm so ADHD but like, for real) really wants to keep it moving.
Get it done. Move on. Keep it fresh. Exciting. New.
You know, skip the hard work part and get to the fun stuff, right?
I've always been a quick start. Just give me enough to be dangerous and I'll run at top speed for it. And at times, it found me running into walls and redirecting like a video game 🎮 . Ah, well. Live and learn.
As everything runs in cycles, I found myself relying on my own methodology that I implement with my private clients.
And good LORD, it works. And I wanted to share it with you.
Next time you are feeling like you've run yourself into the ground, I learned one very important lesson.
Burnout is a misalignment between your true desires and your daily activities.
I mean, did you get that? ☝️☝️
Here's the great news! You don't need fixing. You aren't broken. You just need to change your daily activities to add more of what lights you up.
Micro-choices have macro-impact.
Now, I need you to go easy on me on my broken-crayon 🖍️ attempts to make something look pretty and clear.
The Results-based P.E.P. Method. It's made a huge impact for my clients. More time, more energy, better relationships. Which leads to bolder choices. More confidence in every area. And clarity on the life you want and experiencing it in real-time.
Wheeee! I love what I do!
Need to get a boost of energy even when you're busy AF?
Well, you are the VERY first to get this as I haven't announced it yet.
You need to download the FREE Light Up List. 💡
It's quick and easy and I promise, you will feel better instantly. GUARANTEED!
Every one of my clients has seen success using this. And now it's yours for free.
Also, if you are navigating any forms of rejection or sensitivity (even the micro-infractions), make sure you listen to the latest Late Learner Podcast episode with Humanity Hive founder and therapist, Candin Phillips. We're going to make this much easier for you, too - and tell you, you are not alone.
EP195: Managing Rejection (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria) with ADHD therapist, Candin Phillips
As always, be good to yourself so you can be better for others.
P.S. Did you notice this was published a day late? It's for good reason! I've got some MASSIVE changes I'm going to be able to serve YOU in a much more powerful and accessible way. Stay tuned.
P.P.S. Get that glow back! Download your free energy boost right here.
P.P.P.S. I'm taking early applications for private coaching at a time-sensitive beta rate (meaning the beta rate is only available for the next 2 weeks) as I've revamped the entire program designed for high-performing professional mothers who could use a little breather. Apply here for a free consult.
P.P.P.P.S. Pretty proud of this! First time. Click here to see it LIVE - especially if you've done it, are thinking about doing it, or just want to confirm that it's a big F NO for you. Have you done it? 🥶 👇