Big energy? Big opinions? Big problem.
My mom had opinions about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
Yours, too?
Gossip was always a fun currency to trade.
I remember eavesdropping on my mom yapping away for HOURS talking sh*t about this one and that one (mostly because my mom could probably compete for Guinness World Records of biggest phone bills - remember those?) and thinking she sounded so petty and judgey.
Moral superiority reigns supreme and it's so easy to fix everyone else's life from the comfort of your armchair.
I'm not above this. I am judgey as hell.
It's human nature.
But at some point, the opinions of others tend to squish you into a box that feels....well, squished.
And I know you - you've got bigger plans than that.

Let’s talk about projection.
You know those keyboard cowboys who call celebrities like J.Lo or Oprah insufferable just for existing?
What if the real reason people judge is because they’re uncomfortable with their own smallness?
We dig into this in Big Personality Problems—where we expose why society tells women to be big, but not too big and why you should absolutely take up more space.
Listen to today's episode of Reinvention Room and just as a loving reminder, I hope you grow an inch today and BE BIGGER today.
xo 💖 ,
PS. Who is your favorite Golden Girl, and why is the answer Dorothy? 😂
PPS. Nothing hooks me faster than a cult, POS people, and the intersection of religion. May do a cultural deep dive on this one. Should I?
PPPS. Want to grow your personal brand with your own powerful podcast? Book a free call with me here and let's get yours IN THE WORLD! Prepping for a new podcast launch cohort - limited spots.
PPPPS. Did someone send this to you? Join the fun here!