Fractures of Light
Fridays were brutal.
Eyes bleary. Hair a mess. Body and mind so tired, I couldn't believe I was still functioning. And barely, at best.
As soon as I picked up my kids at 5pm, pajamas were on. Makeup scrubbed off. Counting down the minutes until I could finally crawl myself into my bed and try to unwind from the week.
Rinse. Repeat. Every week.
Have you ever felt this tired?
One week, I got 4 massages to try and relax. It was no use. My shoulders were still painfully tight.
No relief.
Because it wasn't just exhaustion. It was trapped energy.
Going, going, going, going. Type A and damn proud of it.
Until I couldn't.
Last week, I published a blog post about not being broken, despite all the self-help influencers telling us we are (it's a $12 BILLION industry, folks).
And it seemed to strike a nerve.
I actually realized that it's not about being broken, but outgrowing your container.
You've grown beyond where you are right now, so now what?
The fractures of your growth are where you start to see the light.
The reframe of breaking wide open instead of being broken was so much more empowering, amirite?
So as I've so sadly proclaimed in this week's episode, I'm not fun. Never have been.
But I've unlocked a HUGE secret to regenerating your energy you thought you might never get back again. Eeeeek! I can't wait for you to discover this, too. 😀
INVITATION: What's ONE fun thing you can do this week that you typically put off? Maybe it feels too frivolous? Hula hoop. Playing cups. Curling up with a book. Karaoke. Jump rope (murder for us moms). Yahtzee. Turning music up loud and dancing. Go on....go for it! Cheering you on!
Listen to today's episode of Late Learner Podcast here:
EP176: MORE energy for you and Fun February
P.S. You in Atlanta this weekend? Feeling like you could use a REAL reset? Only a few spots left for the Atlanta Wellness Retreat cosponsored by Just Add Honey tea company, Calm in the Chaos. Sign up here.
P.P.S. Can't make it this weekend but would love to prioritize your own fulfillment soon? Join the wait list here and get notified for the next event. AND you can also work with me 1:1 sooner. Grab a free call here.
P.P.P.S. Turns out, we truly are struggling as a society. Looks like I'm ahead of the curve here.
P.P.P.P.S. So fascinating! Sexism in Super Bowl ads are being tracked here.
P.P.P.P.P.S. You're doing great. Carry on.