Head in the clouds, feet in the earth

You know that feeling when you're in such beautiful surroundings, you don't know how to put words to it?
You're in a state of awe. Like you're witnessing God in earth form.
The majesty and beauty is overwhelming. To the point where you already feel a longing sadness because you know it will end.
I felt the immersive sense of wonder this past weekend in Colorado. But I had a VERY different perception this time.
I had a flight credit on Delta and found out my friend Yaya was going to visit our dance friends out west.
I joined her - and Lawd, it was probably one of my very favorite vacations I've ever had.
But also, I told you I've been working with a shaman and had a MASSIVE shift working with her right before I flew out. More on that later.

My girl Jenny ♥️ moved everything to host me and we went EVERYWHERE and saw EVERYTHING and hung with EVERYBODY. 🤗 🤗 🤗
One of my very favorites, Paula 😍 , took some days off of work to hang with us and spend some good quality time together. And Sandra got to hang with us for a bit, too.
You know, after you have kids, it's not very often you have the opportunity to just HANG OUT.
Like, without having to stop and get kids or all the regular responsibilities that come with being an adult.
it was weird to have time to BE together.
Fun fact: my beloved dance fitness format that I'm certified to teach, Reb3l started in CO and the other co-founder, Tricia, who's a total bad-ass was running the show (the other co-founder Ashleigh is in Atlanta - isn't that cool? They run an entire national business with a HUGE organic following from 2 separate cities and manage to do it beautifully).
So I got to dance with a HUGE group of those in the community that welcomed me with open arms and BIG smiles, got to meet some new faces, and share those crazy endorphins.
I was warned about the altitude and drank a TON of water with Liquid IV, took baby aspirin, and made sure I was mindful.
But somehow, the altitude didn't mess with me. A group of us got to climb the Manitou Incline (um, it's insane. it's 2,000 ft of elevation (2,744 stairs) in a mile. STRAIGHT UP.
Our group kicked butt! Mama Viki did it with her BABY strapped to her (!!!!) and her 11 year old daughter. Paula has a fear of heights and despite a panic attack (at altitude!), it was so personal for her. She nailed it. Yaya (the official Reb3l photographer) climbed with her big-ass lenses taking pictures the whole way. Jenny went kicking and screaming - she did NOT want to do it...but she went up like it's no big deal. Cristiana was a pro and it was her 3rd time. She was so pumped and helped us navigate. And Jennifer could feel the effects of the altitude, but she was pushing forward with so much grit. We took as many breaks as we needed as we acclimated.
But we all did it!
Then, the next day, I asked to go to Red Rocks to walk around. Not at night...during the day.
I was surprised that the amphitheater is open as it's a public park.
The headliners were sound checking. WHOA! How exciting! We even got to meet them afterwards as they were basking in the notion that they had reached the pinnacle of success - they were playing RED ROCKS. (Hare Magic 🪄 ✨ )
I left the girls at the bottom by the stage and ran up the stairs by myself.
It's always a religious experience at Red Rocks.
I started breathing in a technique that my therapist taught me and could feel my eyes well up with tears.
It wasn't that the majesty was only at Red Rocks. It was a chance to REMEMBER I always have it within me.
It was like remembering my essence. It's one of the few places I've felt completely whole and capable. Just utterly and completed connected and one with God and the universe.
I don't know that I can still properly articulate the feeling. But the big a-ha is that it's me returning to me.
And that it's always there. I don't have to leave it. I'm just learning to access it.
So here's my invitation to you (and myself): take a moment to get in nature this week. Google "trails near me" or go to All Trails and find one close.
Take a moment. Just you. Breathe in and out. Close your eyes. And do it until you feel whole and one with the universe. That you are fully held and protected.
I'm going to do the same thing. Over and over and over again until I can access that feeling wherever I am.
And remember MY psychedelic journey? Well, turns out ketamine is showing some AMAZING data and results to reduce depression, anxiety, and several mental imbalances - ESPECIALLY for those that are treatment resistant.
I invited one of my most favorite and FASCINATING guests back on - best selling author, CEO of 7:47 Club, Chris Schembra. His sheer honesty is astonishing - and I am so grateful he shared his experience taking psychedelic-assisted therapy in a controlled supervised environment ...with ketamine.
Don't sleep on this one. It will blow your mind!
Listen here:
P.S. Are you in a drama triangle or know of someone who is? This can help.
P.P.S. If you want to get the sh*t scared out of you, might I suggest this?
P.P.P.S. Any Hocus Pocus fans out there?