I'm trippin' balls, man!

Actually, I'm doing a form of psychedelic-assisted therapy this weekend.
Yes, I'm serious.
Outside of that time I immediately fell asleep on a couch at Webster Hall after rolling on E in college, I might as well be the Laura Ingalls of experimentation. 😇 👼
Translation: I didn't do sh*t!
As it happens, psychedelic-assisted therapy has not only come back en vogue, but is on the cutting edge of effective therapies becoming more increasingly available.
A trusted source had shared about a spot in Atlanta that offers a supervised, controlled, sacred psilocybin ("magic" mushrooms) experience that combines transpersonal psychology, shamanic and energetic healing, meditation, and plant medicine.
And what sold me is that it's supposed to accelerate 10 years of therapy in one experience.
Here's a great description I found:
In the case of psilocybin, the core compound of “magic” mushrooms, people with depression experience rapid healing because psilocybin turns off the network in the brain responsible for the sense of self. It’s thought that depression is the result of an overly rigid sense of self that is resistant to change. By turning that old self off, psilocybin gifts people the opportunity to know themselves in a completely new way.
Get rid of my big-ass ego? I'm down!
I am so looking forward to it. You know I'll be documenting this journey.
And what a week this has been!
I completed the 12 hour walk challenge this past Tuesday. No phone. No podcasts. No music. Just me, my thoughts, and I with some good sneakers. And a backpack full of snacks.
I recorded all of the details including what I packed, how it started, how it ended, and how my body and mind broke down in an exclusive podcast episode for my Patreon supporters.
If you'd like to hear all the juicy details and get exclusive access, please consider supporting my work as a creator here for as little as a few bucks a month.
I will say that now that I've finally had a good night's sleep, I have noticed one very big important difference.
I have been hanging on to some irritating situations that have been taking up way too much real estate in my head.
Gnawing and obsessing and ruminating.
Thoughts that don't serve me well and focusing on controlling situations that are truly out of my control.
After completing this 12 hour walk, I immediately have felt refocused.
It no longer carries the same weight where I know it's time to just plain let it go and move onwards and upwards. #RIPtothebullshit
Poof! It's gone.
And now, I'm itching for a new challenge to take. Physical, mental, strength.
Speaking of taking walks, I am releasing a guided walking meditation on Culture Changers Podcast designed to clear your mind that I created.
Go on, go outside, put your headphones on, and let your mind wander with me.
Listen here:
Stay tuned, everybody. Things are about to get...weird.
P.S. Long live #buttholegirl!
P.P.S. From peace and love to fire and profit.
P.P.P.S. If you want to see some pics and BTS vids (plus my dirty face) from the 12 hour walk, here ya go!