Marlena Stell - Invasion of the Body (and mind) snatchersl

Marlena Stell - Invasion of the Body (and mind) snatchersl

February 27, 20252 min read

I was shaking. A body full of drugs, an epidural, and puke blurting out.

The hospital room was harshly bright and loud. I was hooked up to every monitor known to man.

In the room, I had my doctor, a medical midwife, my husband, 2 annoyingly young residents dumbly staring at me, my mom, and the Jason's Deli guy delivering my mom's food who walked in as I was wretching - full of confusion and fear.


That room was like a damn clown car where I no longer felt safe or under good care.

This was the moment my trust in the medical system went to sh*t.

I felt manipulated by fear and like a number that didn't matter. Informed to the benefit of the doctor's schedule and not the benefit of this first-time mom and baby.

What I learned later was that I was forced into a C-section unnecessarily.

As a result of inducing my son's birth 2 weeks early, he was in the NICU for 9 days.

And because of his stay in the NICU, he never latched and I had to exclusively pump breast milk for 9 months.

While thankfully, my son came home healthy - it sent me down a years-long rabbit hole into the maternal healthcare system and the ridiculously high maternal mortality rate. That odyssey of how I started a business to help mothers have more transparency and get better care around their maternal health is a story for another day.

What happens when your body's care no longer belongs to you?

Add in some politicians now dictating whether or not you get proper healthcare, we are in a full-blown crisis that needs attention now. 


Marlena Stell, founder of Makeup Geek Cosmetics and $8 figure social media presence, nearly lost her life after Texas laws denied her miscarriage care—twice. 

In this profoundly important episode of Reinvention Room, she shares her harrowing story, the fight for women's rights, and what you can do to make a difference to protect the bodies and care of the women you love.

This one is a must-listen.

Listen to today's episode of Reinvention Room. This is DEFINITELY the episode to send to your Pro Life friends/family members. Stories and context matter, y'all.

xo 💖 ,

PS. YOU get what I need. And y'all....the comments section!

PPS. As a post-script to my experience with my firstborn son - at the time, I didn't realize but it felt like my voice was taken away without me knowing. Ohhh, I got it back. But it wasn't until after I got angry as hell and wanted to do something about it. See next PPPS if you can relate.

PPPS. Only 1 spot left in my exclusive 12-week podcast launch group that began THIS week. Still time to jump in but you gotta act now! Hit reply and comment the word PODCAST.

PPPPS. Did someone send this to you? Join the fun here!

Allison Hare is the former sales executive turned lifestyle entrepreneur. She’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a personal coach for professional mothers and a keynote speaker.

Allison Hare

Allison Hare is the former sales executive turned lifestyle entrepreneur. She’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a personal coach for professional mothers and a keynote speaker.

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