Moody and broody

I could feel my face getting hotter.
Kids' chasing each other with nerf guns and screaming at top decibel.
Frustration around some of my business ideas and doubt creeping up on my abilities.
Always looming under the surface...money, money, money.
Trying to force making progress around some of the assets I'm creating (I do have some massive things in the works).
I had to figure out how to tap out for the night. I'm yelling at the kids. Short with my husband.
Disappointed that I'm roving around like a rabid dragon.
I freaking hate days like this.
I started to hear a little voice inside...and really, it's advice I've been getting for years but it never felt authentic to put it into practice yet.
"If it's heavy, put it down. When it's light, pick it up."
"Don't be attached to the outcomes."
"Be compassionate to yourself instead of beating yourself up."
"Relationships are the most important efforts to focus on."
I stopped powering through. Chalked it up to overwhelm, high expectations, and some changes in my support structure that I needed to figure out.
I apologized to my family, put the kids to bed and snuggled them a little extra, and cashed out for the night.
I was surprised how much better I felt the next day. More invigorated and less doubt.
I'm glad I actually LISTENED to my intuition instead of ignoring my body and forcing myself to get stuff done.
INVITATION: Next time you're in a negative spiral of overwhelm, can you change the narrative to one of compassion? Almost like you would talk to someone you love or a child who is hurting. And let me know how it builds your resilience.
And speaking of LISTENING, I have a FUNNY and thought-provoking episode released today.
My guest is multi-7 figure entrepreneur, author, and unconventional as all get out, Trey Humphreys. And while you may be surprised to learn, he is on a quest to learn about LOVE! But not from therapists and experts, but from the most unexpected sources - satanists, voodoo people, witches, 105-year old man, homeless people.
And he's absolutely hilarious! 🤣🤣 Be sure to listen and share this. ESPECIALLY if you're single or know someone who is!
EP163: Love is Bananas 🍌 with Trey Humphreys
P.S. Ahhh! I was able to perform in Afrobeats style (yeah, this was a HUGE stretch for me) for a Dance Performance Series last weekend. If you care to see it, just click here and imagine in your mind that I nailed every single move, didn't crash into anybody, and didn't miss a step. 😉🙃
P.P.S. Feeling this post. Do you agree?
P.P.P.S. Jeeeeesus. The latest episode of The Vow has me shook. Distraught and horrified. Have you seen it?