Raising kids like stranger things Cindy Robinson

Raising kids like stranger things

August 08, 20243 min read

Do you ever catastrophize the school year before it happens? 😱

Oh! Just me?

As someone who was never popular in school (too much of a loudmouth), first days of school were always scanning the school for new boys that wouldn't yet know that the rest of the school cast me out long ago.

I was so boy crazy but anyone I dated in high school lived in another town (reason: see above).

Sidebar: maybe this was a Gen X thing; maybe it's because I grew up in NJ; maybe it's because 21 Jump Street and Johnny Depp were HOT 🔥 - wasn't every new kid suspected to be a narc? 💊 🤣

Anyway, I was bullied mercilessly in school (I still hate you GD). And I also hate to admit that I was a bully, too (I'm so sorry GG).

As my kids are reaching those ages where social standings matter A LOT. Finding your people. Hormones starting to creep in.

And also, OUR hormones as moms are no walk in the park either.

Perimenopause symptoms are as unpredictable as Trump's insults at his rallies.

So with academics + hormones + social changes + more freedom and independence + mood swings (on ALL sides) + activities + expectations + family + stress + eveyrthing else, how do you protect your mental state and your kids???

My son is going into middle school.

I got together with some fellow moms and we decided we wanted to create a virtual neighborhood for the community.

We've all gotten into our own silos and lanes - just completely snowed over by life's obligations - we knew we could take this fertile ground and build some support.

- to proverbially unlock the doors, be a judgment-free resource, and create a space for us to make sure nobody felt alone AND we could look out for each others' kids and make life easier for everybody (including ourselves).

When we offered this "neighborhood" as an option and we got together, it felt like everyone released a sigh of relief.

Intentional connection + trust + no judgment + support + community = we are gonna be okay 😊

Can you pick a person or two to band together and spearhead your own "neighborhood" in your circle?

And speaking of rolling back the clock to the 80's and revisiting how we are all raised ET-style, is there a way to do it again? Even with screens and technology being so different?

As the school bell rings again after a molten hot lava summer if you live on planet earth, I thought it was time to revisit this conversation of Late Learner Podcast with the great Cindy Robinson.

We talk risks, safety, massive benefits, and ways to implement it. It's a game-changer and completely changed my approach with my kids!

EP220: Raise Your Kids Like Stranger Things with Cindy Robinson Replay



PS. If you've ever thought people in your life should know me, would you shoot this email their way??? Invite them to sign-up here!

PPS. Want a sneak peek into my training to run a 1/2 marathon? Eeek! Here it is!

PPPS. Grab a virtual loose leaf tea with me!

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Allison Hare is the former sales executive turned lifestyle entrepreneur. She’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a personal coach for professional mothers and a keynote speaker.

Allison Hare

Allison Hare is the former sales executive turned lifestyle entrepreneur. She’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a personal coach for professional mothers and a keynote speaker.

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