TENSION can strain, but also expand.
I bet you are feeling S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D right now. I can feel it myself, with my clients, and in general.
What are my sources for this "data," you ask? Social media, baby. All y'all are feeling the squeeeeeeeze of May-cember.
Anyone who tells you that you can find inner permanent peace is totally full of sh*t.
"Live a life of ease and surrender," they say.
I'm skeptical when coaches and influencers talk about how they used to be stressed and broken and burned out - BUT NOW, everything has rainbows coming out of their butt. 🌈 Money in the bank. 💰 Perfect marriage and kids. 💅🏼
And now they are going to teach you their ways. 🙄
I'm over you fake-ass fools. 🤌
HOWEVER, as usual, I have a different approach that could work even better for you.
TENSION can strain, but also expand.
For one, stress doesn't just vanish forever once you unlock the magic formula you find from a "guru" on the internet somewhere.
Stress is managed through a series of formulas experienced through YOUR eyes, your lens, your choices of who you surround yourself with, your experiences, your EARNED wisdom.
So can we just make the roller coaster 🎢 of life part of the expectation?
I always tell my kids - "my job isn't to shield you from struggle - it's to prepare you for it."
Tension is an activator.
That constriction you feel - is usually an alarm bell begging you for relief.
Relief could be a new path, a new doorway, a new job, a new relationship, a new coach, a new friendship, release of an old friendship, release of old belief systems that used to protect you, release of trapped trauma.
It's beyond just a bubble bath or getting a massage - although I am a big proponent of those, too.
What is expansive to you? Literally, what feels good?
I remember when I was at the height of my burnout from corporate America. I stumbled on a packed, full, dark dance fitness class called Reb3l Groove (mind you, I have no dance background).
It was like lightning struck me. Not because I knew the dance moves (I barely know them now 4 years later!), but because I felt that intense relief.
It was such a rush. It was an expansion.
I remember asking myself "am I allowed to feel this good?" which is CA-RAZY but I was so used to feeling BAD.
So when you are in a state of stress - where can you find expansion to hit the release valve?
If you want some ideas for YOUR brand of quick relief, grab this worksheet I created for you.
Okay, gonna go lay on my grass for a few minutes to calm TF down.
P.S. Should you start a podcast? Or when is it a DUMB idea? Check this out here.
Pps. If you DO want to start a podcast but actually FINISH IT, I'm going to run a new 8-week hands-on podcast launch cohort. I may not offer this again so JUMP ON THIS. Grab a 15 minute free call with me.
Ppps. Ready for a rebrand, personally and professionally? I am selecting a few people to work with privately to get the life they deserve this year. If this sounds like you or someone you know, I'm offering a free discovery call. Book yours here.