The Exhausting Reality: Overscheduling and the Need for Relief

I am afraid to talk about the crushing pressure to get this right.
I am afraid to talk about how I'm struggling with how to best support my child's needs.
I am afraid to talk about how my mind runs like a furious storm of ideas, worries, tasks, and execution plans at all times. ☔️ 🌪️ 🌀
I am afraid to admit that I've completely overscheduled myself from top to bottom for weeks and weeks with no end in sight. 🗓️
Yet, it's not my style to bitch and complain about it.
Best to keep it light, bright, and pleasant, right? ☀️
Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. Or Needy Nelly. I mean, I certainly don't. 🙄
But listen, it's not all bad here.
My Type-A a*s is celebrating ALL of this! 🎊 🎉 🎈 Workaholism is like an old overloved sweater it's just too comfy to get rid of! 🤗
And here's the cool part.
If you relate to this as you too are juggling all the plates and afraid one will break, I want to offer you what I am offering myself --- grace.
But NOT just grace to be kind and compassionate to yourself - YES, definitely do that.
GRACE to not feel pressured to fix it all in one swoop.
Big systemic changes to your internal operating system (plus maybe some outdated software - i.e. cultural programming) happen in small micro-choices.
Being more intentional with opening up a little more space, little by little and giving myself permission to say NO to what doesn't serve filling my cup back up again.
INVITATION: Where have you been beating yourself up too much lately? What does grace look like for you in terms of micro-choices to make more nourishing and restorative choices? Who is someone you can confide in that will listen without judgment and help you feel heard?
Want some more free resources to help you (or people in your circles)? You can listen to Late Learner podcast for game-changing ideas to do life better!
Catch up on the most recent conversation-worthy episodes;
EP188: Do you have a personal brand and didn't know it?
EP186: Probably THE most helpful narrative and useful info for understanding how to thrive with ADHD
P.S. Want to see my new sales page for the Effective Collective Mastermind? Eeeek! I'm about to do a HUGE launch campaign. It's designed to help high-performing mothers live, work, and play in full alignment! If you are one or know one, be sure to share it. The results and community are POWERFUL!
P.P.S. All the elements have come together to make the perfect movie. 🔥 💧 ☁️ 🌳
P.P.P.S. Are you a perfectionist? Might be time to lose control.