The High-Performing Woman's Guide to Beating Burnout
"Burnout is when you spend too long ignoring your own needs." - Katherine May, author of Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age.
My friend, Cheryl, recommended I buy this book and then 💥💥💥.
Have you considered this for yourself?

You have "made" it, but making it looks like a constant bad mood, nothing ever feels quite right; You are snapping at your kids, fighting with your husband, you wake up bleary eyed, do the drop off routine, turn it "on" at work, crushing your meetings, taking all the names, only to look at your watch and see it's time for the kid's pick up routine, forget the workout you desperately needed- that won't happen. You get home, make dinner, rush through homework, and hit your bed- exhausted- only to NOT be able to sleep because for the first time all day your mind won't.turn.off.
You’ve done lots of work on yourself but still, vacations aren’t as restorative as you would hope. Your shoulders laugh at your massage therapists. Because here’s the truth - it’s not that a bubble bath will cure this.
Your energy is stuck in a routine that you’ve outgrown.
I have been there. I know this so deeply. I was so burned out - only the worst kind of burn out. The one everyone around you could easily see. My husband would find me slumped over the keyboard, crying between meetings. I started having panic attacks wake me in the middle of the night. I honestly had no idea how I could possibly escape. I was trapped.
But here is the lie I told myself that I see so many people repeat: I can’t quit my job because I am shackled to my financial commitments. And you might do one of two things - you stay in your job, unfulfilled, or you swing the pendulum so far the other way and assume that a different job will automatically fix your high stress, high stakes world you live in.
Since leaving my job - resigning almost exactly 1 year ago today - I've unlearned as much as I've learned.
What I've learned is that YOU (and I) are not stuck. You are NOT broken. Your answers are closer than you think!
You want to feel energized, fearless, and free. You want to boldly live in your purpose, and feel an aliveness you haven’t felt in years. Your mood is not only lifted; you’re lit up from the inside and everyone you know and love can feel it. You’ve claimed YOUR brand of confidence.
The light you have buried deep inside. The joy. The brightness. The energy. It is available to you. And I'm committing to helping high-performing women (especially mamas) do this.
It's time to own your time, energy, relationships, and moods again.
I'm enrolling only 10 women for the Effective Collective mastermind, a 3-month journey to get YOU back - and especially in the areas of energy, relationships, and time!
If this sounds like something you're interested in, book a free call with me here. We are starting SOON!
If you haven't listened to the latest episode of Late Learner Podcast, I talk more details about it and announce some big updates.
Got kids in school and worried about grades? Be sure to listen to this previous game-changing episode with Jeannine Jannot, the author of The Disintegrating Student.
P.S. I'm still losing my mind over this episode. Seriously, this could be the best episode in TV history.
P.P.S. Dear Sugar, I'm still not sure I can get into this series. Please tell me I'm wrong.
P.P.P.S. Mel Brooks still rules the world; now and in history!
P.P.P.P.S. Book that call. 🌟🌠💫🤩