Walk with me

It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? For all of us.
Whether it's this godforsaken neverending getthefoutofhere pandemic and all the fallout we are experiencing, the inevitable burnout, or just needing a damn break.😫
As per usual, I have news to share.
Lots of news.
But mostly, I've got resources to help you navigate through it all.
Let me give you the down and dirty on what's going on with me and I'll quickly pivot to what that means for you.
First of all, I am shifting focus and attention back to Culture Changers Podcast and will publish a little less frequently to The Podcasters Journey podcast.
Well, I broke it down in a short but action-packed episode of The Podcasters Journey here.
Have you also felt like you're just at your capacity lately?
Maybe it's just the lens I am seeing through but my intuition is telling me that the collective feels the burnout and needs a break.
Especially with the delta and lambda variant (have you seen the hilarious memes on this?) keeping us in a heightened state of panic, it's a lot for anyone.
I get it. Your head feels like there's just no relief and not sure an end is in sight anymore.
I've been trying (not very well) to meditate but I really love the idea of walking meditations - but couldn't find ones that weren't overly woo.
In fact, i find myself rolling my eyes and distracted by the barely a whisper "calm voice" and trite spa music while I was trying to focus on getting present from the walking meditations I've tried.
So I created my own walking guided meditation designed to clear your head. Woooo hoooo!!!!
You can listen to it over and over again whenever you just need to get out and get some space.
Walking. Fresh air. Sunshine. Movement. Burn calories. Guide to keep your head from the negative worry-spiral you can obsess over and come from a place of clarity and gratitude.
Can't go wrong, right?
Anyway, I'm revamping Culture Changers to be segmented into miniseries topics. Sex, politics, gender, beauty, money, religion - but all the nuances are going to be talked about - and will change your perspective every time.
The more your perspective changes, the more human we become again.
Anyway, the meditation is out now! Go take a walk. Bring your earpods. Clear your head and tell me if it helped! Email me back here or DM me at @allison__hare and let me know.
Listen here:
As always, thanks for being on this journey with me.
P.S. I'm obsessed with this book! Can't. Put. It. Down.
P.P.S. Can you share this email/episode with your friends that are also needing a break? (Psst, that's all of them)
P.P.S. Stay tuned for the next email. I'd love your input on some topics you specifically are interested in!