Emotional hoarder
“New Year's weight loss goals are so cliche. But what about losing emotional weight before January 1st?” - Allison Hare
My place is a disaster.
Piles of laundry, mail, sticky notes, wires, Amazon returns, Amazon boxes still needed to be opened, half-full emotional support water bottles, kids homework, kids shoes and jackets, notebooks. Christmas 🎄 stuff everywhere (thank you, Chris for making our mess festive. Messtive?) Eh, you get the idea.
It's as if my 25-year old self with my filthy Honda Civic with endless Taco Bell bags shoved into every crevice in the back has populated in my home - just with nicer stuff! 🤦🏻♀️
It's not so much messiness. It's more of a visual to-do list. And everything needs to get done. Right now. But instead, later.
Do you experience this, too?
Have you noticed that your cleanliness or lack thereof - usually has something to do with your family of origin?
There was a moment in time when my mother fell into a deep dark looooong depression.
She kept EVERYTHING. And I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!
Moldy food in the fridge, 🤢 her purse felt like it was full of bricks (and of course, she couldn't find a damn thing in there), unpaid bills, clothes that fit decades and six kids ago.
She attached a lot of meaning and purpose to things.
Mom, that leather jumpsuit is hideous. And it's full of dust.
"But I bought it in Italy in the 70's. It's made of the finest Italian leather. Maybe you can wear it when you get older." 🙄
After the divorce, we moved from a 6 bedroom sprawling house to a tiny old split level with almost zero storage, tinier bedrooms, and crammed everybody and everything into it. Mom got rid of NOTHING.
It kept accumulating until we literally filled up two giant dumpsters 😳 to start making a dent in it.
As you can imagine, it's so much more than stuff.
And we all carry too much - not only physically, but deep in our bones.
We keep some friendships too long, hang on to a job long past its expiration, overstay our marriages, old patterns that we've outgrown but have really left no room to figure out another way.
We are EXCELLENT at keeping secrets. Sometimes even from ourselves.
So what would be possible if you just....let it go? And had a guide and support to help give you permission to toss it?
Well, with 28 days left in the year, let's help you become LIGHTER to start 2024 BRIGHTER.
Last year, I did a December Clearing Challenge. 31 days of getting rid of crap you no longer need and make room for NEW possibilities in the new year.
And this year, we're doing it again!
Lose to GAIN.
Lighter to BRIGHTER.
Join us in the Clearing Challenge here. Totally free, fun, and effective!
Okay, gotta go toss out those 5 year old lipsticks from underneath the sink!
P.S. Need a boost of energy when you're busy AF? Try this.