A love note if you are feeling WEIRD
“If you show somebody they are real, you'll have them for life." - Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Whenever I go on vacation, travel, or slow down enough, my body automatically screams:
That intense feeling of exhaustion that you've been artfully ignoring attacks you like a swarm of mosquitoes in the summer.
The week between Christmas and New Year's Day is no exception—the gap week.
Throw in perimenopause, kids finding you wherever you need a moment to hide, and moods all over the place, and you've got a perfect recipe for feeling out of sorts. 🫠🫠
Side note: I am currently hiding in my husband's office trying to write in the quiet where my daughter found me and decided to play Nintendo on his couch. 🤦♀️
But lest you are freaking out that this disorienting state of LESS ROUTINE and LESS WORK and MOODIER MOODS than usual s your new normal, let me be the first to assure you...
Your body and mind are working absolutely perfectly.
Your remarkable innate intelligence is acknowledging that you are tired and you need rest.
What would it look like if you just gave in and honored that your body knows best?
Even if it's just for a few minutes to close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, and whisper "I hear you" when you normally would have powered through.
If that feels hard, I get it.
Your emotions, feelings, and desires are REAL - even though you may not be used to allowing the more unpleasant ones.
If I may (and I'm doing this for myself, too), let me bestow you with permission to surrender.
Even if it's a teeny tiny bit.
My hunch is that the moment you DON'T berate yourself that you're being lazy and just lay on the couch and put on Netflix even though the dishes and laundry are piled up, you're going to be so proud of yourself because you'll feel the relief that you have yet to give yourself.
And if you'd like more ideas on how to clear the decks for a much better 2024, be sure to grab a cup of tea and listen to Late Learner's latest podcast episode.
LISTEN HERE: Heavy to Hopeful in 3 Simple Steps for a Better 2024
Okay, going to snuggle my daughter while she still will let me. 🤗
PS. Thank YOU for sharing your deepest desires and being so brave and bold with your own lives this year. Thank you for being real and being a part of this blog, the podcast, my coaching practice, and being at the center of your own growth with me!
PPS. It's BACK! We've spent December clearing out what no longer serves and making space for intentional growth. Join us for the NEW Near Year Challenge where every day in the month of January, we will do something NEW to open new portals of possibilities, add energy, and be so fun! It's FREE, the ideas are already thought out, and is SO effective! Sign-up here. Invite a friend or 5!
PPPS. Thought of starting a podcast but never got overwhelmed with the details? I can help you remove all blocks and get your ideas and impact out into the world in 8 weeks. Join the podcast launch beta group at a massively discounted rate (only offering it one time). Interested? Just email me back the word PODCAST and I'll get you more info.
PPPPS. Wanting more hands-on support in 2024? Book a FREE call with me here and let's turn your dreams into your reality.