Meditation Schmeditation

I'm feeling a little bit spicy today. 🌶️
So I have been ATTEMPTING to meditate for years. Be quiet and still. And listen. Shhhhh…. 🤫 🙏 🧘♀️
Dalai Lama says that he meditates for an hour each day. And when he doesn’t have time to meditate, he meditates for two hours. 🧘
I mean, all the internet gurus say it’s the key to allllll the answers. And they’re never wrong, right? Right? 🤌🤌🤌
I feel like this advice might be a little too limiting.
I mean, who wants to constantly feel BAD about meditating?
Stop fighting the need to be still if you find peace in motion.
What does that mean?
It means that answers and downloads come in many forms that aren’t always what your favorite internet influencer is telling you.
For me, the perfect combo is movement outside in nature.
I get tons of great ideas and clarity during a sweaty dance class (plus the endorphin rush helps, too).
So here it is, if you are making yourself wrong for not sitting on a mat in pure silence with candles and soft yoga music playing for 2 hours every morning receiving all the answers to life’s burning questions, then I want you to choose one active thing that feels like peace in your soul.
Remember to stop fighting the need to be still if you find peace in motion.
Well, that was my rant for the day!
Now, go grab that hula hoop you’ve got leaning up against your wall and see what hip openers can do for your idea factory in that big beautiful brain of yours.
Imma go skip down the sidewalk and see how many bypassers I can freak out,
Ps. After reading this did you just realize something you are doing in your business or daily life that does not serve you? I would love to hear...just reply and let me know.
Pps. Catch up on the latest episode of Late Learner Podcast called To Cut or Not To Cut (and more trends and marketing gimmicks) with renowned facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Louis DeJoseph. Listen here.
Ppps. Are you in the messy middle of a transition? Want some support to come out the other side victorious?.Schedule a free breakthrough strategy call with me and let's chat.
Pppps. I was featured on a great podcast called You're Future Starts Now with Gia Lacqua about breaking the burnout cycle. You can listen here or watch here.