Late Learner - Allison Hare

If you're having trouble getting started

October 10, 20243 min read
Jesse Izzler + Elysa Archer

Does your headspace feel like a tangled highway of Tetris, Sodoku, chess, air traffic control, a bowl of mashed potatoes; and also feel like it's occupied by tiny ADHD mice running around AND somehow still has room to wonder about Taylor Swift's love life all at the same time?

Oh, yours too?

Honestly, it's no wonder we struggle with making any changes - because WHERE WOULD WE PUT IT ALL??

My mind is conditioned to forcefully fit as much productivity in as humanly possible in each day.

Perpetuating the subconscious belief that productivity = value.

No space in the calendar. 📆 Just go-go-go and get sh*t done.

I interviewed Jesse Itzler for Late Learner podcast at the height of my burnout when I was working in corporate sales.

I was on a work call all the way to his house (and YES, I got to meet his wife, THE Sara Blakely in her kitchen).

I did the interview - completely bleary-eyed and exhausted....but exhilarated because I knew we were going to have a KILLER conversation and this opportunity was going to be life-changing.

And the moment I got in my car after the interview, I was right back on another scheduled work call on my way home with back-to-back calls for the rest of the day.

This was every single day.

I remember Jesse mentioning as I was walking out that I was probably really good at my job.

And at that point, all I wanted was OUT of my job.

But I didn't know how.

I just knew that if I kept peppering in the opportunities for change and making room for micro-changes, I would eventually create a crack ⚡️ that I could push on and figure out a new path forward.

So if you are wondering if there's any way OFF of that unfulfilling hamster wheel, let me give you this one piece of advice.

If you are having trouble getting started in a new direction, the first step is too big.

What is the smallest and tiniest bit of movement you can possibly make?

  • Do some Google research

  • Text a friend and ask for more info

  • Set a timer for 5 minutes and do a brain dump of ideas

  • Declare it to someone else (accountability goes A LONG way)

Want a great way to get started? Here's a list of 40 different ideas to give you a boost!

Every single time you do something TOWARDS your goal or new direction, it creates momentum for the next best step.

Exciting, right? Will you email me back and let me know the first thing you will do? I'd love to cheer you on.

Late Learner - Allison hare

And speaking of roadmaps to reinvention, I was fortunate enough to be featured on the top-rated podcast She Sells Radio with Elyse Archer.

Our conversation was so in-depth and meaningful, I asked Elyse, a sought-after money mindset coach and business leader, permission to re-air it on my podcast so you can meet her and get all the details on how to reinvent yourself right now!

Go and listen, ya hear? OR WATCH HERE if you're into that more. Oh, and I love you!

xo 💖 ,

PS. Sheesh! I can't believe it's taken us this long to make THIS a thing!

PPS. Everybody wants this!

Allison Hare is the former sales executive turned lifestyle entrepreneur. She’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a personal coach for professional mothers and a keynote speaker.

Allison Hare

Allison Hare is the former sales executive turned lifestyle entrepreneur. She’s the host of the award-winning, top 1.5% globally ranked podcast, Late Learner and a personal coach for professional mothers and a keynote speaker.

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