Open if you're disappointed in the election results
If you're at a loss on the 2024 US Election results, you are not alone.
I wanted to write something helpful and figure out how we move forward, but apparently, I am also needing comfort, solace, and guidance.
I'm not going to put a Pollyanna spin on this because if you are deeply devoted to the promise of democracy and free society, the future as we know it seems completely up in the air. And that feels scary AF.
Having said that, here are a few things to consider:
Rest, then rise again. Be as good as you possibly can to yourself and to your loved ones right now. Make intentional healthy choices as often as you can. Move your body, eat the apple over the chips, drink more water, go to the yoga class, go for a breath walk, if you need a nap, take it, call a friend, etc. Need some more ideas? Try this.
Share meals, find wisdom. Since civilization was a baby, people have gone through brutal seasons of political unrest fighting for a better future Time and time again, the darkness is where we find each other, we find bigger joys, and create art and bring light.
Resist despair. When we unify, change happens. We saw an enormous groundswell of support for both candidates. We might need a minute to process but we will find a new way forward together.
Lady Liberty is going to straighten her crown.
And if you ARE happy with the election results and opened this email anyway, congratulations.
I genuinely want America to find peace, prosperity, and promise.
The tribe has spoken in favor of those 3P's voting that Trump is the one who can bring that. I hope you are right. 💪
God bless America. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
xo 💖 ,
PS. No new episode this week. Going through a massive rebrand (!!!!) which is super exciting! Still going strong on the coaching (both personal private coaching and podcast launches) and weekly emails so stay tuned for that. Also, feel free to revisit any of my 231 episodes of Late Learner podcast.
PPS. Instead of watching election results, this new cult doc was a perfect way to relax and distract.
PPPS. Need support for your OWN rebrand - personally and/or professionally? Want to get a free strategy session? Book a call here. 👇