Scarcity, Survival, Wealth, and Ambition
Here's a dirty little secret...
When you make big changes, you're gonna get slapped directly in the face with your dumb-ass scarcity mindset.
That's it. That's the message.
But first, wtf do we do with that?
As a Gen X'er whose boomer parents ate scarcity and survival for breakfast (helllooooo Cheerios as a healthy cereal?!?), it's no wonder that the messaging has always been to get the stable job, save for a rainy day, max out contributions to your 401K, show your employers you are beyond loyal, work yourself to the bone, get the big fancy house with all the trappings, get your gold watch, and then retire at 55.
Sounds nice....but....what if that path doesn't feel like you? Or times have changed where you have new viable avenues?
When I purposely left my corporate job with no plan, my 90+ year old dementia-addled dad who spent his life in finance repeated on loop to me...
Allison, I don't understand why you left that good job without another one lined up.
What are you doing leaving without another job?
How are you going to make money?
I wouldn't have made that same choice.
Does your husband make any money?
Can you get me some fruit?
Jesus Lord have mercy.
The amount of shame I felt on taking this big leap was outwardly manifested by my Dad's obsessive hyper-focus on money and my deep-seated need for his approval.
I spent last weekend in an exceptionally wealthy and innovative community that hosted the 10K that I ran (would you believe I actually placed for my age group? Woop).
While I was there, I thought about my definition of wealth and success.
I grew up in a very affluent and prominent area. I mean, we were like, the poor people in a rich area (relatively speaking) but whatever.
And we watched my Dad's businesses and my parents' marriage tank, we were thrust into a new reality of lack, abrupt changes, and witnessing my mom's crippling depression as a result.
I have spent my entire life absolutely consumed with safeguarding from that ever happening again.
Scarcity, survival, wealth, and abundance.
That's right. SURVIVAL is embedded in this programming.
I can't stop thinking about this equation from Derek Sivers:
Wealth = Have ÷ Want
If you have nothing, then focus on having some.
Once you have some, the easiest way to increase your wealth is to decrease your needs.
Have 10 but want 100? You are poor.
Have 10 but only want 5? You are wealthy.
Have 10 but are happy with 1? You are very wealthy.
Making money depends on other people, so it’s harder. It’s not entirely under your control. It’s an outer game.
Reducing what you “need” to be happy is easier. It’s entirely under your control. It’s an inner game.
I used to look for ways to make money, but I haven’t done that in years. Now I keep looking for ways to want less.
What were you taught in your home of origin about wealth, abundance, and money?
Srsly, hit reply and let's talk about it.
xo 💖 ,
PS. Want to dive deeper into the unexpected psychology of a wealth mindset? Check out my latest episode of Late Learner Podcast with money psychologist Dr. Brad Klontz. I'm taking a break on publishing new episodes to make room for the big rebrand! Stay tuned.
PPS. Want to clear the decks before 2025? Join my annual free Clearing Challenge here.
PPPS. This documentary will shake, rattle, and roll you. It's SO different and VERY worth your time.
PPPPS. Ready for your own reinvention so you can make 2025 your b*tch? Book a free strategy call here.👈